Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Chapter 12

So I have been dating Lucial for a few weeks now and it's going really well, yes that's her name Lucial. She is so pretty and I can't beleive she even likes me back. Mum and Gran love her too, they just keep saying that she has good genetics. I can't get over how lucky I feel.
My Gran came up to me and asked me to go on a walk with her. I was worried. We sat in the family graveyard and Gran told me that she wouldn't be here for ever and neither would my parents. I obviously knew it but I hadn't really thought about it before. She told me that I should make my priority carrying on the family because that's why Mum chose me. I was shocked, I mean I'm not even an adult yet.
I went to talk to Mum about it. She calmed me down a little, telling me not to worry about it and have children when I'm ready.
Well the next day was Greg's birthday. He went and joined the science career and moved out straight away. I guess this is the begining of grown up life.
And then soon after was my birthday and I joined the polotics career. I'm going to make something out of myself. I promise you just wait and see.

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