Friday, 15 October 2010

Chapter 7

So school has come around for Lucas and for some reason Bob thinks that it would be time to have "the talk". Not that talk don't worry he is way to young for that, the friends talk. See we don't want any of our children to make friends with the wrong people. I know you can't controll it but I would just like them to know themselves what is right and wrong.
Having triplets now is driving me mad, but it will be the babysitters problem soon. I can't believe I am happy to be going back to work but in 3 days the freedom is mine. I will be getting out the house and hopefully zooming up the career branch real quick. Soon the girls will be growing up as well so not as much to worry about.
Having 5 kids now Bob thought we should get a playground in the back yard. We wanted the kids and their friends to feel at home here. If they felt at home in our house they would be closer to us and our own children would trust us more.
Gregory has already told me what he wants to be. He said he wants to be a "creature-robot crossbreed" or something along those lines. Personally I will back him no matter what but he is so interested in the telescope it is unbelievable.
Now as for me. Tomorrow I am back at work and I hope to make my mad dash into being a celebrity soon. I am armed with my guitar and my foot halfway in the industry's door, all I need now is hard work.


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